TODAY’S HOURS 529 Wellwood Orchards Rd. Springfield, VT 05156
We accept Visa ,MasterCard, Discover, CASH & local personal checks.
Our country store’s TODAY’S HOURS HERE seven (7) days a week, from June to Friday November 1, 2024, offering you fresh baked goods, gifts, candy, fudge, honey, syrup and more!
Our store will remain open 7 days a week, 9-5. We will still have our apples, squash, pumpkins and delicious baked goods. Our petting zoo is now closed.
We hope you continue to support all the Vermont businesses impacted by the freeze and the recent flooding while we navigate through this year.

- June – Strawberries! We are open for strawberries JUNE 11! Cherries ripen and have a short season. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL
July- Strawberries are done. Blueberries (Raspberries are best picked early in the morning) Apples, Plums, Peaches, Baby Goat Yoga .
August – EARLY Apples, for sale in the store, 1/2 peck bags, Blueberries , Plums, Peaches, (Nectarines soon) .
September – All new Harvest Festival Saturday, August 31, 2024. Apples, Grapes, Pears, Plums, Squash, Pumpkins, – Celebrate Johnny Appleseed’s birthday (September 26) with his favorite means of transportation-a quiet walk!
October – Apples, Plums, Grapes, Squash, Pumpkins, Car Show October!
November 1, 2024- Closed for the season. We close at 5:00 PM on Nov. 1st! Fields are being put to bed. 🙂
- December – Closed – Equipment repair, yard and field maintenance.
- January – Closed-The apple trees are quietly sleeping (dormant). The trees are being pruned to encourage vigorous growth this coming season.
- February – Closed-The apple trees are still dormant. Waiting for spring.
- March – Closed- The days are getting warmer, some snow may be melting.
- April – Closed- Green leaf tissue appears on the apple trees and other vegetation.
- May – Closed-Apple trees are in Full Bloom! Bees are busy pollinating the blossoms. Annual Bird Swap 2025 May (TBD) 10:00 to 2:00! Come at 10:00! Mark your calendar!
Questions? Stories or pictures you would like to share?
Stay tuned for more events at Wellwood Orchards!