529 Wellwood Orchards Rd. Springfield, VT 05156
We keep a well stocked country store with Apples*, fruits and berries * squash* pumpkins* and more! *When in season

We have:
- Apple Pies
- Fresh baked goods
- Vermont Cheese
- Locally home canned goods
- Fudge and other confections
- Pumpkins
- Gourds
- Decorative Corn
- Honey
- Maple Syrup
- Cider ~ see below
- Hand Made Vermont Products … AND MORE!
- Cider Donuts ~ see below
🙂 Apple Cider is Pressed fresh every FRIDAY during apple season and available UNTIL sold out.
Our FAMOUS Apple Cider donuts are available DAILY! Limited quantities. First come first serve. OUR Donuts go fast!
Call for info 802-263-5200
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